Thursday, May 26, 2011

leavie rose = award winna!!

Hey lovies! 
I have been a bad, bad blogger as of late. Please do forgive me!

We did get a little award though. Yipee.

The sweet Carolyn over at It doesn't Fall far from the tree presented little ole Leavie with this fun award.
I am to tell 7 things about myself and pass on the love.

Lets get this party started...

My friends call me Carrie Potter. 

these were taken while working the soda kiln at school

 I went to college on a D1 scholarship to play soccer at Birmingham Southern. 
(pretty proud of that)

After that little freshie year of getting my behind kicked, I boxed up my cleats and headed to 
Oxford MS
 for the grove, the square, big hair, and their art program.
it wasn't any fun, i promise.

I was in school for painting and HAD to take a ceramics class to graduate.
This CRC girl did not particularly like playing in clay and put off taking the ceramics class until the summer before my junior year.

That was a pretty scary call to my daddy. "Hey puppy, I think I want to be a potter..."
He was and still is amazing about it all.

The rest is history my friends.

 I started making flowers to cover up my mistakes on the wheel.
Yes, I am serious.

These were my first pieces. 
I love looking back at them, haven't the flowers changed so much??

Wanna be real sweet to me??
Bring over a Coke Icee, Reese Pieces, a trashy magazine, and I am all yours!

I love getting prizes almost as much I love giving prizes.

I kinda reeeeeally love all things trashy.
Teen Mom, love it. Bachelor, oh yea. Real House Wives, just stop it!!

Don't judge.
I work from home... usually in my jamies.

 A fruitful day for CRC is working in the morning. 
Hitting the gym around lunch time.
getting an iced coffee from Starbucks and getting back to work.

As well as...
Throwing day = outside with my beloved Pandora
Flower making = Lifetime Movie marathon
Glazing day = Country Music Videos

The only way I can make it through the day is 
through the support of my supa fabulous girl friends, amazing family, sunshine, live music, knowing that the water is a short drive away and of course Diet Coke.



puppy dog daddy

nurse A


brother bear.

I just have to add...
Beluga Whales are my favorite animal and green is my fave color.

Totally impressed if you made it to the end!!
Thanks for all of the love and support for CRC. 
It has truly been an amazing blessing.

Passing the award onto 2 of my favorite blogs and pretty amazing girls:

xo always lovies!!


  1. Get it caro! Where carries your stuff in Daphne/fairhope. The bf is from
    Daphne and I've told him/his family about you but wasn't sure where you had it. -Betsy

  2. Caroline! I recently found your blog and I love it... so stinkin' cute! I love how you point out all the "big hair" in MS- so true! Congrats on your successful little business you're building!

  3. I just read every word of this (you are TOO cute), and then saw that you're passing this along to me. Wow. I don't wanna follow in your footsteps! :)

  4. YAY! Thanks Caroline! I loved learning how you became a potter! It was just meant to be.
